Your search results
[ultimate_heading main_heading= »List Agents Shortcode » sub_heading_margin= »margin-bottom:45px; » main_heading_margin= »margin-bottom:10px; » main_heading_font_family= »font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:regular » main_heading_style= »font-weight:normal;font-style:normal; » main_heading_font_size= »desktop:40px; » sub_heading_font_size= »desktop:15px; »]This shortcode lets you publish a list of agents using also their categories. You can publish agents assigned to a specific city, area, category or type, in any combination.[/ultimate_heading]
[ultimate_heading main_heading= »Featured Agent Shortcode » sub_heading_margin= »margin-bottom:45px; » main_heading_margin= »margin-bottom:5px; » main_heading_font_size= »desktop:40px; » margin_design_tab_text= » » sub_heading_font_size= »desktop:15px; »]This shortcode allows you to select a specific agent and show his info in a specific page.[/ultimate_heading]
